Fostering Memes for Tough Days

One thing I don’t talk about enough is the power of laughter and positive thinking in this journey.  There are a lot of twists and turns and really frustrating things.  Right now we’re experiencing some whiplash with a potential placement, and the back and forth has me mentally drained.


If I can find one thing to be grateful for and one thing to laugh about each day, I’d say I’m doing pretty good.  And some days are so ridiculously bad that all you really can do is laugh it off… like the time our foster daughter got into her diaper during nap and smeared poop everywhere.  Everywhere.  There was poop everywhere, people.


Soooo, here are a few foster related/parenting memes to help you out on the laughter front.  Trust me.  I’ll be revisiting these on tough days.


1. When’s your birthday again?

We’ve all had that moment of completely blanking on medical information.

2. Business as Usual

Even if you have to walk 2 miles uphill both ways

3. “Are They All Yours?”

4. Children Keep You Youthful

5. Welcome to Foster Care!

6. Get Off the Phone!

Fostering: the only time you tell your friends and family not to call.

7. “Are They Twins?”

If you’ve had children within a couple years of each other, you’ve heard this question.  Here’s one way to respond:

8.  Too Much Paperwork!

9. We Shouldn’t Laugh… But We Can’t Help It

10. It’s Not as Easy as It Looks

11. You’ve Got This

12. “Treasure Them While They’re Young.”

People tell you all the time to cherish the memories because time goes by so quickly.

13. Please Give Me More of Your Lip Service

14. Overthinking

15. What It’s Like to Have Kids

16.  Belle

17. The Aging Effect

18. Focus on the Positives



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